Dr. Watt C. (UCA Lecture) believes that the
key of the dissertation is 'focus'. Focusing on the details, tiny and small
issue to discuss and analyze the argument and problems. In addition, the new
Apple boss, Tim Cook, (2012) claims that "The key lesson Mr. Jobs had
taught him was to focus. Focus is a key in a company and your personal life.
You can only do so many thing great, and you should cast aside the rest."
He says, I would say most people would say this is not an area in their life
that they're pleased. We are going to keep looking at it." (Prigg, 2012) Moreover, Aaker, D. (2010) in his book pointed out Florence
G.stated, "Concentration, Discipline and A dream to have you to be
best". Aaker, D. states" A focus enhances both impact and visibility”.
(Aaker, D., 2010: 122) He proposed to have a focus in an organization for
developing a program to be responsible for society, such like pollutions,
education, an art program, parks, AIDS research, or bicycling trails and
events. Futhermore, Mihaly C. (2003) points out concentration can contribute to
a good business, taking example by using the role a climber how to achieve the
goal. Like reading deeply to forget oneself or immerse in a museum. The present
is what matters. During the enjoyment of work to produce performance.
Aaker, David A.
(2010) Building Strong Brands London: Simon &
Schuster UK Ltd
Mihaly (2003) Good Business USA:
Prigg, Mark(2012) New Apple Boss Wednesday 30 May, Evening Standard