Sunday, 16 June 2013

ART MAP _ Saatchi Gallery, London

Sattchi Gallery

Saatchi Gallery 是個性感有個性的美術館, 坐落於高級住宅商圈, 雖然前身為軍事官校, 轉換為美術館後, 周遭氛圍增添唯美而浪漫. Saatchi Gallery 主要展出當代前衛的新藝術, 支持並鼓勵新藝術家, 有諾大的白色空間以供裝置藝術展示. 經營者Saatchi 原是art dealer, 買賣藝術, 收藏藝術. 很多當代英國知名藝術家也是這美術館捧紅,在此展出後, 價格即水漲船高, 例如 Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Sarah Lucas...等. 一開始這些藝術家作品皆頗受爭議, 藝評家質疑性很高. 
Saatchi Gallery展出的作品, 讓觀眾產生問號, 讓觀眾想到我們這個世界, 讓觀賞者重新定義藝術. 亞洲藝術家在此展出也為數不少.

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The iconic art of British Art

Damien Hirst

Artist, entrepreneur and art collector, Turner prize, English

Painting: influenced by Francis Bacon
" Art goes on in your head"
"If you said something interesting, that might be a title for a work of art"
"Art comes from everywhere. It's your response to your surroundings"


The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living ( 1991, a shark, a sheep and a cow)

For the love of God ( a human diamond skull)

Virgin mother

Tracey Emin

Artist, Turner Prize, British

My bed(1999)

Tracey Emin - Running Naked

Tracey Emin drawing suffer love

Friday, 14 June 2013

ART MAP_Horniman Museum, London

Horniman Museum is a lovely local museum, located in forest hill, London. It demonstrates a great quantity of collections, including a wide range of animal specimens and dazzling instruments.  It is understood that the runner paied attention and dedicated to manage the museum.

In addition to the main building for exhibitions, there is a glass house, allowing the public have meals whatever offered from the coffee shop or bringing  by themselves. Another amazing space is an modern style glass architecture as a education classroom, where is on the way towards the garden. What's more, except the natural knowledge and art through display, parents can accompany their children to learn via media game on technological tools.

The exhibition shows the English ritual by photograph. We see regional rituals performed through the year in English from Cornwall to London to Northumberland. Custumed  processions, symbolic dramatizations, traditional dances and fire ceremonies mark the changing seasons and celebrate natures's bounty. Many of these customs claim an ancient origin such as traditions like Jack-in-the-Green. It was amazed to view these rituals and further know about the culture of English. (Horniman Museum, 2012)

Obviously, the museum plays an role for local people, both on education and recreation. However, during the week day, only a few visitors appear in the museum. It is a potentially enormously opportunity to promote the museum nationally and internationally owing to its a great number of collection on unique instruments from over the world. The shape of these instruments have innovation and creation, it's inspiring and imaginative.

Horniman Museum(2012) Mummer, Maypoles and Milkmaids: A Journey Through the English Ritual Year. Forest Hill: Horniman Museum

Horniman Library

Horniman Coffee shop
 Horniman Garden

Horniman Workshop

Natural History - Walrus 

The Extinct Bird - Dodo

 Musical Instruments Room

ART MAP_Fortnum Mason, London

Fortnum Mason 位於 Piccadilly 倫敦市中心, 櫥窗佈置極為令人行注目禮, 彷彿是音符的童話故事跳躍在空中. 探索而入是一陣陣的驚喜隨之而來. 一進門市一側是傳統經典的販茶吧台, 另一是茶葉延伸禮品, 包裝具手作特色, 但這裡的下午茶套餐可價位不菲, 但還是吸引觀光客 in a loooooooooooong queue. 

經過如同畫廊的街梯上樓藝術洗禮後, 二樓陳列典雅與令人愛不釋手的創意包裝禮品與英國傳統配件與服飾. 商品亦如藝術品般地展出, 傳遞給客人有非凡與難忘的美好購物經驗

地下一樓也不輕忽此區的貢獻, 令人看了心喜的色彩繽紛與錦簇的花團花店坐落一角, 蔬果陳列更是在樸實當中顯出時尚, 令人不自覺食物額外漂亮與獨特

沿著上樓樓梯間, 是藝術的饗宴, 並有藝術空間藝術品展示